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Brown Act Compliance Policy


The General Manager, in cooperation with the Cameron Estates Community Services District (District) Board of Directors (Board) Chair, shall prepare an agenda for each Regular and Special meeting of the Board in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950]. Any Director may request any item to be placed on the agenda by contacting the General Manager at least fourteen business days prior to the date of the meeting.

This policy does not prevent the Board from receiving public comments at Regular and Special meetings of the Board on matters which are not on the agenda that a member of the public may wish to bring before the Board. However, the Board shall not discuss or take action on such matters at that meeting, other than providing brief general directions to staff regarding the matter, if appropriate.

At least 72 hours prior to the time of all Regular meetings, an agenda, which includes but is not limited to all matters on which there may be discussion and/or action by the Board, shall be posted at the gates and on the website (California Government Code 54954.2 (a)(1)).  All information made available to the Board (except confidential information allowed by State law per legal counsel authority) shall be available for public review prior to the board meeting.

The agenda for a Special meeting shall be posted at least 24 hours before the meeting in the same location as for Regular Meeting agendas (California Government Code Section 54956).

The General Manager of the meetings described herein shall determine the order in which agenda items shall be considered for discussion and/or action by the Board, subject to re-ordering of the agenda by the Board at the meeting.


  1. Regular Meetings of the District Board of Directors shall be held on the third Thursday of each odd calendar month at 7:00 p.m.  in the Multipurpose Room at Light of the Hills Lutheran Church at 3100 Rodeo Rd., Cameron Park.
  2. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by the Board President or by a majority of the Board by delivering written notice, in writing at the three gates, and posting a notice on the District's web site. The notice shall be delivered at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting as specified in the notice. The call and notice shall specify the time and place of the Special meeting and the business to be transacted or discussed. No other business shall be considered by the Board at these meetings.
  3. Emergency Meetings. In the event of an emergency situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities, the Board may hold an Emergency Special meeting without complying with the 24-hour notice. An emergency situation means a crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by the Board President or a majority of the Board. Special meetings shall be posted at gate entrances or website at least one hour prior to the emergency meeting. Closed session may be held during an Emergency meeting by a unanimous vote of the members present, and all other rules governing Special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24-hour notice. The minutes of the Emergency meeting, a list of persons the Board or designee notified or attempted to notify, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible.
  4. Adjourned Meetings. A majority vote by the Board of Directors may terminate any Board meeting at any place in the agenda and adjourn the to any time and place specified in the order of adjournment, except that if no Directors are present at any Regular or Adjourned Regular meeting, the General Manager may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated time and place, and he/she shall cause a written notice of adjournment to be given.
  5. Standing Committee Meetings. The meetings of standing Committees (comprised of four Board members less than a quorum), are subject to the notice and open meeting provision of the Brown Act.

The Board Clerk shall ensure that all required and appropriate information is available for the audience at meetings of the Board of Directors, and that physical facilities for said meetings are functional and appropriate for all persons.